Sammiscribbles – #369 ~ Weekend WritingPrompt
Prompt - Spoonful
– 33 words
Two efforts this time. The choice was Poetry or Prose, 33 words exactly. My goal was some poetry. Not sure how that went, but I am happy with my effort. Haven't attempted Poetry for quite awhile.
#1 - Spoonful of CourageLet me find
a spoonful of courage,
A thimble of
To lift my
cowardly heart,
Stiffen my
Face my
demons up on two legs
Not down on
weak and frightened knees
#2 – Bitter Spoonful
A bitter
spoonful of hate and discontent
Can ruin the
best of times
Lay low the best
of intentions
great nations
anyone has a chance
To understand exactly what it meant
This was my first participation in "Weekend Writing Prompt".
Keep it "tween the ditches ..............................
Thought I would add an appropriate tune if for no other reason its title is "Spoonful". Performed by Cream of many years ago. Enjoy. This a live version off their "Wheels of Fire" album.
Nicely done!
Dale - Thank you.
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