Monday, December 6, 2021

The Weight of Command

Crimson's Creative Challenge 160

Wed, Dec 1, 2021 - Photo Prompt

Respond with something creative - 

> it could be anything, but if its flash, keep it 150 words or less.


Alton peered over the distant field that after tomorrow would never be the same. Blood would be spilled there. Great machines of death would destroy each other, creating huge craters into which the blood and bodies of men would fall.

A tear ran down Alton’s cheek.

Yes, tomorrow would play out using the plans he had developed. He enjoyed the strategies and setting the pieces on the board in the tent behind enemy lines. But as he panned his binoculars over tomorrow’s killing ground, he became quite sad and despondent. He always did.

General Bishop dropped the binoculars, gritted his teeth, turned to his aide and pointed northwest of their position.

“Things look ready here lieutenant . Let’s head over to that hedgerow there.”

As they made their way back to the jeep, Alton stumbled into a rickety wooden sign that read “Verson”.  He wondered if Verson would survive tomorrow.


150 words

Saturday, December 4, 2021

More Shock and Awe Value

Vlad the Impaler watched his son doodling on parchment and felt a twinge of worry and regret. He hoped his son would keep the family tradition and stand tall against those who would destroy the kingdom. Current indications created little confidence that Tad could carry the Dracul torch.

Tad looked up at his father and pointed to his parchment.

“Impaling enemies willy nilly like you do is sloppy and makes the kingdom look like a ghetto. My espalier system on an iron framework is neater and has more shock and awe value per linear foot.”

Vlad smiled and stopped worrying.

12/3/2021 - Prediction Flash Challenge - 100 words

Words for the coming week: current, espalier, regret

Entries by midnight Thursday 9th December,  new words posted Friday 10th 

                Espalier – Trained tree to grow next to a wall – usually a fruit tree.

Friday, December 3, 2021

God's Goat - CR99

Mary was not happy. Forty parasangs over two days on the back of an ass was the last straw. She glared at Joe as he placed fresh hay in a manger for the kid. A small goat watched and immediately hopped in the manger and pooped.

“Mary, the little asshole shit in Jesus’ bed.”

Busy unpacking the donkey, Mary did not hear Joe.

“What Joe? “

Louder now, “The goat shit in the manger.………  If the big guy gets wind of this I wouldn’t want to be in that goat’s hooves.” 

The goat looked up at Mary and bleated. 


 Carrot Ranch Flash Challenge – 99 Words - Dec., 2nd, 2021

   Prompt - a story about the little white goat found in the Nativity Scene