Saturday, June 15, 2024

Finally Free #2 - The Crime Report

“Finally Free” - #2  -  Prediction Challenge for Fri. 6/14/2024

Three word prompt - Bog, Cryptic, Emergency 


Sheriff Wilkins sighed. On the clipboard in front of him, a blank crime report remained untouched. It was an open and shut case, yet here he was bogged down while he wrestled with legalities and his personal ethics code.

She shouldn’t go to jail. 35 years Caleb had beaten on her. Wilkins had done what he could, but she wouldn’t bring charges. He did manage to set up a cryptic message system so she could call him in an emergency without Caleb being the wiser.

This time she didn’t call. And now Caleb had no face.

Sheriff Wilkins began writing.

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