Saturday, June 22, 2024


Sammiscribbles – #369 ~ Weekend WritingPrompt

Prompt - Spoonful – 33 words


Two efforts this time. The choice was Poetry or Prose, 33 words exactly. My goal was some poetry. Not sure how that went, but I am happy with my effort. Haven't attempted Poetry for quite awhile.

#1 - Spoonful of Courage 

Let me find a spoonful of courage,

A thimble of audacity

To lift my cowardly heart,

Stiffen my spine.

Face my demons up on two legs

Not down on weak and frightened knees


#2 – Bitter Spoonful

A bitter spoonful of hate and discontent

Can ruin the best of times

Lay low the best of intentions

Destroy great nations

Before anyone has a chance

To understand exactly what it meant

This was my first participation in "Weekend Writing Prompt". 

Keep it "tween the ditches ..............................


Thought I would add an appropriate tune if for no other reason its title is "Spoonful". Performed by Cream of many years ago. Enjoy. This a live version off their "Wheels of Fire" album.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Dead Livestock - "Finally Free" Serial

“Finally Free - #3”  -  Prediction Challenge for Fri. 6/21/2024

Prompts - drive embrace, omen -100 words


Dead Livestock

The Sheriff sat back and sighed. He hated paperwork. He didn’t have to embrace it, but he had to get it done. Until the paperwork was finished and filed or passed along, he couldn’t relax. Finally, he could kickback.

The phone rang.

“Sheriff Wilkins.”

“Wilky, you gotta come….

“Sam, calm yourself, …. If I drive down there and it’s another ………

“No false alarm Wilky… Promise. ….I told you it were a bad omen not tossing Martha in jail.”

“Why, what’s she done now?”

“She’s gone plumb crazy. She’s … she’s killin my livestock.”

“With what? I took her shotgun.”


Adding music to my posts over on "Lost in the BoZone" has become a nice addition for me. I often spend an hour or more cruising YouTube looking for music I might fit with the piece I wanted to post. Since I began to regularly include the music, I have discovered worthy new music at a rate I never imagined before.

So I will try to include a tune or two with the writing I post here in "BoZone Too". I thought a tune from a Brit with real talent might be a good first choice. Here is Ren with  "Violet's Tale". Ren got his start as a busker on th estreets of London, Liverpool, maybe others. His band, The Big Push were amazing. At some point around 2010 I think, Ren developed an auto immune problem and was hospitalized which also messed with his head. He persevered, overcame his medical issues enough to begin producing music again, only under his own name. The man is quite the wordsmith also.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Baking a Cake - 100 words

In the vicinity of the big birch hanging over a drainpipe at the train station, buttercups lurked in the diffused amber light of the foggy wet morning. Harold took a moment and looked out over the mullion of the sliding window next to his seat on the train. He was having trouble with his morning crossword. He turned to the only other passenger in that compartment.

“Could you help me?”

“I will if I can. What is it you want?”

“Do you spell flower, F-L-O-W-E-R or F-L-O-U-R?”

“Depends. Are you creating a flower arrangement or are you baking a cake?”


My first effort at the Wednesday Words on a Friday challenge site. I chose to do it in 100 words.

The choice of prompt words -

1. lurk 2. amber 3. birch 4. drainpipe 5. spelling


1. flour 2. buttercups 3. light 4. train 5. mullion

Finally Free #2 - The Crime Report

“Finally Free” - #2  -  Prediction Challenge for Fri. 6/14/2024

Three word prompt - Bog, Cryptic, Emergency 


Sheriff Wilkins sighed. On the clipboard in front of him, a blank crime report remained untouched. It was an open and shut case, yet here he was bogged down while he wrestled with legalities and his personal ethics code.

She shouldn’t go to jail. 35 years Caleb had beaten on her. Wilkins had done what he could, but she wouldn’t bring charges. He did manage to set up a cryptic message system so she could call him in an emergency without Caleb being the wiser.

This time she didn’t call. And now Caleb had no face.

Sheriff Wilkins began writing.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Finally Free


“Jeezum Martha, “What the Hell happened?”

Sheriff Wilkins bent closer to the body covered in small blisters

Martha stood rigid, her legs apart, hands on her hips and rolled her eyes.

“I ain’t never been no lady of refined ways, but that don’t give him no right to treat me like a farm animal……. It was time I set myself free. I killed the sumbitch, that’s what I did.”

“Caleb was indeed a mean one alright. But what did you do?”

“ Fed him a horse nettle salad. Didn’t work, so I pulled down the ten gauge and made sure.”


“Finally Free” – Prediction Challenge for Fri. 6/7/2024 - posted 6/5

Three word prompt - Free, nettle, refine - Max - 100 words