Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Mindless Group - WWP #371


"A Mindless Group" - Weekend Writing Prompt #371 – Timorous - 54 words

A mindless trio of rhinoceros bounded my way

I felt they would not eat me

As Google contended they fed herbivorously

I stood my ground, sure I was safe

But as they came closer

The ground heaved and shook so vigorously

I began to feel mildly timorous

For being such an obviously oblivious ignoramus


People go online and if they hang out long enough, they find something that sucks them in and will not let them go. They cannot help themselves. Whatever the something is; a game site, group site, a writing site, they are not happy until they have had that daily fix, weekly or even monthly fix. 

I have a couple of games I sometimes play. Word related entertainment though, is my itch. Crossword puzzles, letter boxes, find the groups and flash fiction and poetry are my weaknesses, addictions, internet substance abuses. If I am not dickin around with words in one form or another, I am not happy.

I have never planned to monetize my writing. First of all, making money writing is easier said than done and once money enters the equation, that indicates writing is now labor and could easily turn into drudgery or worse, something I only do for the money.

I write because it makes me think, which in turn keeps everything else I have on board running like a an almost finely tuned old analog wind up clock. Writing keeps the pace in my brain on those manic days down to a dull roar. On the Depressive days, writing can help me climb out of it sooner than later.

I don't pretend to be any good or even in the ball park of good. It does not matter. I am having fun and that is all that matters.

Keep it 'tween the ditches .................................


Figured finding a song about or containing Rhinosceros or is it Rhinoseri, then maybe it should be Rhinosceroses..... we'll let the Rhinos decide. I quickly , like almost instantly within five minutes or so, this Jazzy tune from Jon Gomm caught my attention. Excellent instrumental by again, an artist I never knew existed. Here is "Dance of the Last Rhino", by Jon Gomm. Enjoy mellow or loud, it works well on all levels.

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