Thursday, January 11, 2018


100 words or less
Prompt – clot, feather, third

Prosperity – 99 words

His first two rides before the grand opening of Manhattan’s new subway had been gentile affairs.  Proper ladies in feather festooned hats drinking tea and eating delicate biscuits in one car, while gentlemen in tails smoked fat cigars in another. Henry was sure the future belonged to steel.  Steel would bring prosperity to those with vision and a better life for all. 

That was six months ago.  Today, on his third ride with paying customers, Henry decided that if being crammed in with this sweltering clot of humanity was prosperity, he was not interested.  Then someone stole his wallet.

Not sure why I have struggled so much this week with my flash.  From past experience though, I know I should keep on keepin on.  Frustration is not a reason to quit.  Pure laziness is, but not frustration.

Later ............................................

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