Sunday, November 8, 2020

Four Eyes

MemoirPrompt for 11/8/20: Flash! Write a true “flash” (100-300 words) story about a flash - literal or metaphorical- from your own life.


"Four Eyes" - 300 words

My fourth grade teacher finally figured it out. One day she held up two fingers and asked the class how many was she holding up. She skipped past the know it all, perfectly dressed future homecoming queen and past the up and coming nerd who already sported one of his dad's pencil pocket protectors. She continued to scan the room. One by one all the raised hands were bypassed and I saw her turn towards me.

"Michael, how many fingers I am holding up?"

I was mortified. Not because I was singled out. I was embarrassed because I had no clue. My confidence stopped at three or less. But a quick answer was needed as I had learned that drawing out awkward silences in class only drove the humiliation deeper.

Swiftly I answered, "One big one?

Again my routine clownish behavior was rewarded with snickers from my classmates which died immediately as stern teacher eyes behind winged glasses caught them in their cross hairs. She swiveled back to me and gave me her patented grin of pursed red lips whose corners only flirted with the notion of lift off.

“So, you don’t know then?”

Parents were called, eye appointments were kept and in ten days or so I was in the optometrist’s office picking up my first pair of glasses. As the optometrist fitted them, I watched in the mirror. Yeah, I could see better, but would it be worth all the ridicule that would inevitably follow? I was sure it would not.

I was hating Life as we left the doc’s office. Stepping outside, I looked up at the Tampa skyline that surrounded us. In an instant, my world had become a wondrous and beautiful land I never knew existed.

I never again worried about being a “Four Eyes”.


Daily Flash Writing Prompts - Facebook 

1 comment:

Kulkuri said...

In junior high they did an eye test, "Which way are the table legs pointing?" I flunked and that's when I had to get glasses.