Saturday, December 4, 2021

More Shock and Awe Value

Vlad the Impaler watched his son doodling on parchment and felt a twinge of worry and regret. He hoped his son would keep the family tradition and stand tall against those who would destroy the kingdom. Current indications created little confidence that Tad could carry the Dracul torch.

Tad looked up at his father and pointed to his parchment.

“Impaling enemies willy nilly like you do is sloppy and makes the kingdom look like a ghetto. My espalier system on an iron framework is neater and has more shock and awe value per linear foot.”

Vlad smiled and stopped worrying.

12/3/2021 - Prediction Flash Challenge - 100 words

Words for the coming week: current, espalier, regret

Entries by midnight Thursday 9th December,  new words posted Friday 10th 

                Espalier – Trained tree to grow next to a wall – usually a fruit tree.

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