Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ray, Arizona

Carrot Ranch Challenge – 1/4/18
99 words exactly – Prompt – Copper Country

Ray, Arizona

Atop Teapot Mesa, a Great Spirit cast sad eyes over the mile deep mine below.  He had witnessed mountains grow tall and rivers gouge deep.  He had never seen creatures as destructive as these puny humans busy carving out the base of his home.  Did they not understand they were only hastening their own destruction? 

Great Spirit shrugged.  He was but a witness tasked with remembering all that he saw and reporting back to Her.  He was her eyes.  It would be up to Her how to handle these ingrates and the overwhelming insults they heap onto her back.

This was a tougher prompt than I thought it would be.  Started at least 5 different takes.  This is what I ended up with.

Later ............................

Image credited to wikimedia

1 comment:

Charli Mills said...

I liked where you went. An interesting perspective, the mesa standing witness for Mother Earth.