If you have punched up this blog hoping to find the real "Lost in the BoZone", what you really have done is enter into another time warp continuum where there is nothing to see, nothing to do, and nowhere to go. Call it an undeveloped universe in search of a Donald Trump. I recommend you turn around and go back from whence you came. Or you can punch this button and be fast forwarded to the here and now. See you on the other side.
An Aside - Feel free to leave a comment as a sign you were here. Perhaps in 10,000 years someone will take notice of this unaltered and virgin territory and will contact you or your descendants.
Gorgeous site. Sorry I haven't blog rolled you before now. I'll fix that. I'm sorry that the book is getting difficult, but how could it be otherwise? Don't give up. And try to make your comments as brutally honest as is my telling of this story.
Utah Savage
I was here.
BTW, been reading your stuff on Bozone for the last week; pretty much since I've been communicating with Robin. I enjoy your work.
Great post today. I'm afraid to comment over there since BBC has been harassing me lately. I don't want to have to start moderating comments but he's relentlessly awful to me.
I think this was a good lesson for all of us. Consult with Republicans and they will fuck you over. So, lesson learned. Tell them to go screw themselves--no more consultation, no more concessions.
I knew it...I knew the Stairway to Heaven was real!!!
Whoa! Just discovered this beach. This is cool, Macrum, if a little creepy. Heh.
Like Kilroy I was here.
Very kewl.... very.
I was here Mike! :)
Well, variatio delectat. I did it the other way round: Dropping by via Susan, reading some of your recent posts in Dimension One - By the way, Chapeau! -, a curiosity-ridden click let me land in this obviously bicycleless universe.
Ready to beam myself back, and leave a com(pli)ment, two things happened: The word word verification by asking to type a certain eight-letter-word, presented the corners of my mouth an expedition to my ear-lobes, and: I could not resist to type linguism.
Tricia Was Here On Purpose
Not a bit lost
Here, but decided not to leave a comment.
I was here out of curiosity before heading to the usual Bozone site!
I was here. Lost? Sometimes I like the idea of not knowing where I'm going or who I'll stumble upon. Other times...
Freakin' fabulous photograph!!! And, I am not lost, at least at this moment in time. I come here via the New Dharma Bums.
I'll click over to your other reality. BTW you are the spittin image (separated at birth) of my friend Marc Posner who lives in Boston. Just saying.
This is the place I have been looking for; quiet, not much happening. I'd like to stay, and have my ashes shipped here when I'm gone.
While I am here, I'd better tick the box for the follow-up comments, in case it gets even more exciting.
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